Nevelők Háza Egyesület/Educators' Centre Association

Nevelők Háza Egyesület/Educators' Centre Association
Nevelők Háza Egyesület/Educators' Centre Association
Nevelők Háza Egyesület/Educators' Centre Association
Nevelők Háza Egyesület/Educators' Centre Association


Nevelők Háza Egyesület/NHE (in English: Educators’ Centre Association) is one of the leading NGOs of Hungary, which operates numerous projects and a public institution in the city of Pécs in cooperation with the local municipality. NHE’s aims are to support the civil grass-root movements with its internal and external resources in order that they can grow and strengthen. NHE provides services, training activities and educational programmes according to the principles of sheltering, counselling, empowerment and developing as well as LLL priorities.

NHE was founded in 1993, and has been working for the development of the civil society for the last 30 years. Since 1997 the organization sustains the House of Civic Communities that helped to launch several local organizations. Currently more than 90 communities - formal and non-formal civil organizations, associations, foundations, art groups etc. – are operating in the building. Besides its infrastructural capabilities,

NHE provides services and learning possibilities for the NGOs, training activities, forums, research, conferences, professional consultancy, etc. In the Community Centre diverse cultural, community and learning possibilities/programs are available every day for the general public. ( Over 50 000 visitors were registered in 2022.

NHE has managed several national and international EU funded projects as well since years. It has developed a network of relationships and contacts, from local to international level. NHE maintains a 20-year-old fruitful working relationship with the Municipality of Pécs and carries out public services and functions. ECA is the member of some international networks like EAEA, REIN, EAN.

In its projects NHE always try to find a solution to a local social problem or shortage, involving the community and finding solutions through creative ideas and by presenting domestic and international best practices, transferring knowledge, and adapting to our own needs. Lifelong learning and retaining older people have become a priority in its organizational strategy. Now more than ever, we must invest in and provide greater opportunities for adults to upskill and retrain throughout their working lives, and adapt to ongoing economic and technological change.

Main sectors related to our activities:

•             Seniors/Elderly

•             Adult education and training

•             Lifelong learning

•             Intergenerational dialogue

•             Community development

•             Active citizenship

•             Civil Society Organisations

•             Volunteering

•             Health, Well-being

•             Digital competences

•             Soft skills

•             Art, Culture & Creativity

•             Art Therapy

•             Intercultural dialogue

•             Social & work inclusion,

•             Disability, disadvantaged groups, vulnerable adults

•             Climate change / Environment / Green Transition

NHE has been an adult education provider for more than 25 years supporting lifelong learning through many activities:

·         Working with disadvantaged groups of adults and young people on issues of social cohesion, integration and fight against discrimination;

·         Interventions of social cohesion for vulnerable adults through ALE activities and trainings, in partnership with ALE institutions and territorial neighbourhood organizations, grass root initiatives and other NGOs;

·         Interventions for groups at risk of social exclusion through innovative methodologies that integrate media, art, theatre, music and other creative forms of activities, etc.;

·         Participation in local/national and international networks on social cohesion, innovations and development;

·         During interprofessional collaboration and transfer of knowledge, we organize non-formal ALE, training, workshops, conferences and we operate working teams. Occasionally we organize exhibitions, round table discussions, theatre plays, concerts and cooperate with artistic and cultural festivals.

3) Our organization primarily deals with adult students from the younger, still actively working age group to the old, retired age group in connection with the activities described above. Though one of the most important focuses is on active aging, we provide innovative, creative, novel learning methods and content for all age-groups as well.

4)  We are also involved in several international projects and activities. Our international project experiences related to the project theme:


Objective: To provide learning opportunities for young and old to reduce the generation gap for integration exchange, sharing experiences, increasing the activity and well-being of older people.

527863-LLP-2012-LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP // PRETTY – The New Knowledge For Pre-Retirement Training Quality (2012 – 2015)

Objective: Improve the quality of lifelong learning education systems and reduce negative outcomes through participation in the EU.

EFOP5.2.2.-17 Transnational Cooperation - ALL LOCAL effective knowledge transfer and competence development in the senior community (2018 - 2020)

Objective: Exchange of service experience for 50+ generations, collection of good practices. Web:

STEMS – Supporting Teachers and Staff in Motivating Adult Learners Project (Erasmus+ KA2)

Objective: In order to improve the current insufficient participation of adults in learning across Europe, there is a need to provide high-quality education opportunities and identify main barriers that hinder participation and persistence of adults in learning. The aim of the project is to address problems and difficulties and respond to the needs of adult education providers and adult learners. (2019-1-HU01-KA204-061167)

ACETrainer  (Erasmus+ KA2) - The principal output of the ACETrainer project was to find new methods for piloting a 240- hour long innovative senior service workers’ course (SSW Course) and get to know new practices in the topic of the course (2020-1-CZ01-KA202-078181)

Bildung+ digital?! (Erasmus+ KA2)

Objective: To exchange good practices and ideas related to digitized adult education. (2019-1-DE02-KA204-006227)

Core-Relief project (Erasmus+ KA2)

Objective: To help the reintegration of people with changed working ability into the labor market. (2020-1-SK01-KA204-078311)

Play with us! (Erasmus+ KA2)

Objective: To promote the self-employment model for adults, using an internet communication teaching tool. (2020-1-PL01-KA204-081660)

SingingCom – Singing Community – exchange of experience on activation practices for adults and seniors through the choir (2020-1-PL01-KA204-082125)

Have Your Say - developing innovative forms of educational activities for low-skilled adults to help them re-assess their attitudes towards the EU in a process of reflexion, discourse, and fact-based thinking, delivered in an activating, communicative, possibly joyful and inspiring way. (2019‐1‐DE02 KA204‐006530)

EDPOWER – By exchanging ideas, know-how, experience and good practices, the project aims to internationally develop and pilot a new non-formal innovative training material for improvement and extending the offer of high-quality learning opportunities for specialists that provide trainings and consultations to people with disabilities. (2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000028299 )

TALE - Transformative Adult Learning for Green Transition –  The project aims for adult learning and education organisations to adopt greener practices in their operations and find new ways to work with their surrounding communities to contribute to the green transition of our society (2022-1-FI01-KA220-ADU-000089905)

Engage4Bio project (HORIZON2020)

Objective: Engage4Bio will strengthen circular, sustainable bioeconomy and sustainable regional development through engaging quadruple helix actors - taking into account their diversity of societal, economic and cultural perspectives from five regional bio-based systems (and five associated regions) in processes of design thinking, co-creation, (re)training and skills development. Based on their regional specificities (availability of biomass feedstock, level of technology, planetary boundaries and social capital) activities will be co-created, performed and (re-)shaped to their best advantage for each region. (Engage4BIO – 101059565)

Peer Gynt project – Piloting sustainable methods for the development of social services in Pécs 2016-2017

Objective: Capacity development and inter-institutional cooperation, experiment of sustainable methods of social service development in Pécs (Hungary) - (Norvegian Grant – HU11-0009-A1-2013)

Luces para la Ciudadania Global/Lights for global Citizenship project (EuropeAID)

Objective: To raise awareness and develop competencies on global citizenship, responsible for lifestyles and the interdependence between wealth and poverty, human rights and environmental balance to engage the educational communities of 5 EU countries on social justice and opportunities for all in a globalized world. - ( DCI-NSAPVD/2012/281-688)



A Nevelők Háza Egyesület 1993. január 23-án alakult. 1999-ben az egyesület megkapta a “kiemelten közhasznú” minősítést a Baranya Megyei Bíróságtól az önkormányzattal 1996-tól folytatólagosan megkötött szerződése alapján.

1997 áprilisában az egyesület által működtetett intézmény „Civil Közösségek Háza” néven nyílt meg, amely otthont ad az ágazati és civil szakmai tanfolyamoknak, fórumoknak ugyanúgy, ahogyan az öntevékeny közösségek, művészeti csoportok, szakmai szervezetek tevékenységeinek. Ily módon a ház egyszerre szolgál kulturális-közművelődési, pedagógiai, esélyegyenlőségi és nonprofit szakmai programok megvalósításának színteréül. Az elmúlt közel két évtizedben számtalan hazai és nemzetközi projekt, kulturális-közösségi programok, zenei események fémjelezték az egyesületet, beemelve ezzel őket a sikeres hazai civil szervezetek sorába.

2000-től az egyesület működteti a Baranya Megyei Civil Szolgáltató Központot,  2011-től  a Baranya Megyei Esélyegyenlőségi Iroda - Esélyek Házát és a Baranya Megyei Önkéntes Centrumot, 2012-től kibővült célcsoporttal a Baranya Megyei Család, Esélyteremtési és Önkéntes Házat, komplex szolgáltatásokat nyújtva e három kapcsolódó szakterületen. Szintén 2011-től üzemelteti a Nyugati és az Északi Várfalsétányok kertjeit.


„A lakosság önszerveződő csoportjait segítjük saját külső és belső erőforrásainkat is bevonva annak érdekében, hogy képesek legyenek megerősödni, aktívvá válni, fejlesztve ezzel közvetlen és tágabb környezetüket. A befogadó – segítő - fejlesztő attitűd hármas egységére építjük programjainkat, szolgáltatásainkat.”