A krakkói Jagelló Egyetem oktatója Michał Pałasz előadása „Klíma és Ökológiai válság kérdései és kihívásai” címmel.

2023. április 18., kedd 16.0018.00
A krakkói Jagelló Egyetem oktatója Michał Pałasz előadása „Klíma és Ökológiai válság kérdései és kihívásai” címmel.

A krakkói Jagelló Egyetem oktatója Michał Pałasz „Klíma és Ökológiai válság kérdései és kihívásai” c.  angol nyelvű előadása

Title: Climate-ecological crisis: How it is? Why it is so? What to do?
Time: 45 minutes lecture, 45 minutes discussion

Description: What is climate-ecological crisis and what are the social, political and natural consequences of it? Should we even separate them? What brought us - the global community, local communities and indivuduals - to the point where we either need to change our socio-economic system dramatically or the Earths system will change it for us? What to do in the face of such a predicament and the need for urgent action? The lecture will point our attention to some of the existing answers to these questions and other answers hopefully will arise from the discussion.

dr Michal Palasz - assistant professor in the Chair of Contemporary Culture, Institute of Culture, Faculty of Management and Social Communication of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, founding-member of Jagiellonian University Climate Council, co-creater of Climate Strategy for his university. Researcher of management in the anthropocene, which he understands as searching for and implementing ways to organise a sufficiently good common world in the era of climate and ecological catastrophe. Currently on didactic intership in the University of Pecs.
