EuropeAid korábbi projektek
Within the European Commission, EuropeAid is the Directorate-General responsible for
formulating EU development policy and defining sectoral policies in the field of external aid,
in order to reduce poverty in the world, to ensure sustainable development and to promote
democracy, peace and security.
EuropeAid is responsible (either on its own or together with the European External Action
Service) for the multiannual programming of the external aid instruments which it implements.
EuropeAid is responsible for implementing the European Union’s external aid instruments
which are financed by the European Budget and the European Development Fund. In this context, itensures a high quality and impact of aid, the swift
implementation of projects and the visibility of European aid.
Lights for Global Citizenship | 2013. márc. 1 – 2015. szept. 30. |